Original Poetry: The Window to My Writing World

When you open my window
What will you see?
Pages and words
Dotted with bits of me.

Ideas that flow like raindrops
upon a fresh blank page
Words that will forever
Last from age to age.

These ideas I must write down,
For I mustn’t forget,
Each story has new characters
Whom I’ve never met.

They bring about plot twists and turns
Upon my mental movie screen,
It’s hard to know which scene comes first,
My characters play them out so well,
I have to write them in short bursts.

I mold, shape and revise each scene
developing them into. a book
for when you turn each beautiful page
you have a chance to take a look
through the window of my writing world.

The poem above, was inspired by one of the following three writing prompts I talk about in today’s episode of Inspirational Journeys.
1. Do writers bleed ink?
2. What would happen if you built a world where words appeared from out of nowhere? Where would they come from and what trials would your characters face to find the source of these mysterious words?
3. What would people see if they looked through the window to your writing world.

You can listen to the podcast episode here:


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