News,and updates on my writing projects

Hello everyone,,

I am writing to update you on my writing projects. First of all, I do have a bit of news for you. Next week, I am planning to publish A Journey of Faith through Revival Waves Glory Publishing, so the anticipation is growing! I can hardly wait to see this book in print and hold the book in my hands for the first time. However, for those of you who love to read on your phones, tablets, or Kindle readers, I ain’t leaving you out, the book will also be published in ebook format as well.

Now on the subject of actual writing projects, I have done a couple of things. First of all, I have submitted an essay called The Driving Force Behind my Passion for Writing, to Skirt Magazine. From the information I received from the Freedom with writing newsletter I get every Tuesday with paid publishing opportunities, Skirt is a women’s magazine, with a theme for each month. According to their website, they also have a blog if anyone is interested in writing guest blog posts. I also have a couple of stories I want to submit to other publications in the next couple of weeks.

As far as book projects go, I have a confession to make. I have been writing blog posts about gardening for the Word Matters blog, and every time I write one, the idea to write a book about gardening starts to tickle my inspirational fancy, as it were. However, after I finish the post, I decide to drop the idea. When I write another gardening article, the inspiration to write a gardening book speaks a little louder. The cycle has continued, until I wrote the most recent post, which you can read at Now, I have taken all five posts, put them in a folder I call Gardening Adventures on my external hard drive, and I have the beginning of an introduction and an outline for this project. The outline is as follows:

Introduction: Your own little Corner of God’s Big Back Yard

  1. Fun facts about gardening

    1. Deadly plants to avoid

2. Animals and insects that protect your garden from Pests

3. Garden pesticides that are safe for the environment and your family

II. tips for sproosing up your Little Piece of Heaven on Earth

1. Caring for your garden

2. creative ways to plant fruits and vegetables in your garden

3. Lawn care and maintenance

III. Exciting ways to teach your kids about the great outdoors

1. Leaf art

2. A fun way to learn what particles make up gardening soil


Conclusion: Gardening is a fun learning experience for the hole family.

If anyone has any suggestions for fun kid friendly gardening activities, or any particular tips or facts they’d like to see included in this book, please let me know in the comments below, or connect with me on twitter @annwrites75 and share your ideas using the hashtag #GardeningTips. Until next time, happy writing, reading, and catch y’all on the flip side.

4 thoughts on “News,and updates on my writing projects”

  1. Interested in what you are doing. You may be interested in Our God Lives! available in e-books etc as well as full brilliant colour hardcover. Thank God for His inspiration. Will try to keep up with your blog. Keep writing! Beautiful endeavours in all things! (Amazon has my books if you are interested ever).


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