NaNoWriMo day three

Hello bloggers,
I know I didn’t post a NaNoWriMo update yesterday, but after writing over seven thousand words in two days, I’m pretty tired.
Well, filling in the gaps in my story brought up my word totals today, instead of pushing my way to the end. I’ll do that either tomorrow, or the next time I have a chance to write, as I am leaving Wednesday for a much needed vacation. However, I’m not worried about not reaching the 50k minimum to win, like another writer friend of mine told me, I got this. Having a two day head start on my story really gave me a big jump on the NaNoWriMo challenge itself. My WIP is 13136 as of today. With everything else I have to do tomorrow to get ready for my trip, I hope to at least reach 15k before I pack up the laptop.
Well, good night fellow bloggers and to all my readers, I’m going to sack out for a while so I can get up and do it all over again tomorrow.
Happy writing, and love and prayers to you all,

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