The reason behind the challenge
Hello fellow bloggers, writers, and readers, I want to do something out of the ordinary. I found this writing prompt when I was looking for inspiration for a short story several years ago. I don’t remember the website, but for this challenge, I’m going to get a little creative, so just note that the inspiration for this challenge was someone else’s, but the idea for this challenge is my own.
The challenge
Write a short story, essay, or poem using the words “your mother/my mother,” etc. It could be a story centered around Mother’s day, an essay about a fond memory you have of your mother, or it could be about someone else’s mother, the choice is yours. Here’s the fun part: see what you can come up with in fifteen minutes. If you plan on taking on the challenge and writing it in a blog post, use the tag writing challenge so I can see what you come up with. You can also write your piece in the comments below. However, If you view this on tumblr, use the tag #writing challenge, if you want to use this writing challenge for inspiration. Happy writing, and God bless.