Rocking my way to New Ideas

As I sit in solitude on the front porch, the rocking chair begins to sway back and forth, back and forth. With book in hand, I begin to read. Instead of seeing what is written on the page, a scene unfolds before my very eyes.

What is this scene? Is it just a memory from my past, or a new idea for writing? I sit very still as the sound of the wind chimes, the birds singing, and even the sprinkle of raindrops sing out a message of inspiration. All at once, I hear a voice in the back of my mind call out to me. “Come, I have a story to tell, and you are the only person who can share my message with the world.

I put away my book, take out my phone and my bluetooth keyboard, and begin to write like the wind in my notes. What story does my character have to tell? What message does he or she convey that must be shared with the rest of the world?

When this form of inspiration comes upon me as a writer, it’s up to me to discover the hidden message within the story that unfolds in my mind and heart, to find the story’s true meaning. At this point, I mentally take my character’s hand and follow wherever he or she leads me, or I write the scene of my story that plays out like a movie in my head.

As a matter of fact, the voice that I have described from my wool gathering on the front porch has brought to me a story about overcoming your fears, and facing life’s challenges. This story is entitled The Big Climb. Now that the story is written, I have some exciting news! My story has recently been published in a #awethors anthology entitled Awethology Light.

For those of you who love to read books on your smart phones, Kindle readers, and other mobile devices, Awethology is free on amazon, iBooks, Barns and Noble, and you can download it as a PDF on Smashwords. However, if you are die hard fans of holding a physical book in your hands and reading by the fire, you can purchase the paperback version from the create space online store at .

When you get the book, do me a favor dear readers. Please post a review for the entire anthology on amazon, goodreads if possible, and on your blog. We #awethors would greatly appreciate it very much.

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