It’s time for the Church to Wake up or this Country willgo down in flames!

Good morning everyone,
Today and tomorrow are the two most crucial days in this country, than we’ve ever seen in election history. I have heard that Russia is planning an attack on the united States, via it’s power grid and its computer infrastructure. Tomorrow is election day 2016. What I have to say, does not conform to my usual posts about music, spiritual musings, writing, books, or other such topics. However, I feel led to talk about a more serious matter today, and that is the possible destruction of our nation.
America was build on a solid foundation, and God was our nation’s first love. With the advent of electing President Obama into office, we sent our home land into a perilous downhill slide, down the road to destruction. We all know that Hillary Clinton is planning a worse fate for America, with the promise of allowing immigrants into this country, that could kill us all, and the implimentation of “planned parenthood”, which was founded by Margarette Sanger, which mandates that babies should be killed for practically no reason at all. What I mean by this, is that if a baby has a physical or mental disability, it should be killed. If the baby is born into a poor family, it should be killed, because it would be a financial and physical strain on the parents. Ms. Sanger’s words, not mine, according to what I heard on Frances and Friends on
Donald Trump has his flaws as well, for no man is perfect; however, many people take what he says on television ads, and on news reports out of context and starts spreading horrific rumors. Personally, I believe that God will use Trump to bring this nation of ours back to its first love, the love of God our Heavenly Father, and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the son of God. Let me say this people, if you are a born again believer of Christ, it’s time for the church to wake up and stand up for what we believe in. I strongly urge you to fast and pray for the election, and our nation as a whole. If you haven’t already voted early, please do your Christian duty and vote for the leader that will bring this country back to God, because as the song says, WE WANT AMERICA BACK!
Now, there is one final question I want you to seriously search your heart for the answer. Pray about this, and then if you want this country to become a God fearing Nation again, you decide how to cast your vote, but if you want this nation to go by the way of hell fire and brinstone, then you have to decide on who you will vote for. I am not trying to tell you who to vote for, I am just asking you to go out and vote, and make the right decision for this country. The choice you make is between you and god, so are you for God or for the world, the choice is yours.
Blessings to all my dear readers, and let’s join together and pray harder than we’ve ever prayed for our country than ever before, because we strongly need a change for the better. Thank you for letting me share with you what the Holy Spirit has laid upon my heart and God bless each and every one of you today.
Love and Prayers,

2 thoughts on “It’s time for the Church to Wake up or this Country willgo down in flames!”

  1. Hi Ann.
    I agree with you on so many of these topics, but you have to remember sweetie that as much as we believe in our perceptions and our beliefs, the other side of the table is hollering as loud as they can with their side of the debate. Trust in God, and he will help to sort all this out. I am trying to keep my faith that the American people will do the right thing, but I worry that the ever present question will surely rise, and that’s that with so many opinions and beliefs out there, well, it’s going to be a tough task, even for God.
    Keep the faith and keep saying a little prayer for our country, which includes all those little feet and hands moving around in the sonogram images.

    • This is why we have to let the people know what’s going on, so that we can wake them up and shake them up, so that we Christians can stand for what we believe in. I understand what you’re saying, but I firmly believe that if we don’t do something as Christians then this country will be completely destroyed.


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