Hello and welcome to the final segment of my character conversation with Katrina Dobson from Inner Vision. I encourage you to go back and read the introduction, part one and part two of my conversation before proceeding to the rest of the interview, if you haven’t already done so. I also encourage you to sign up for my mailing list to receive a free short story, stay up-to-date with author happenings, and get a behind the scenes look into my author journey. To get notified when I upload new audio/video content, please subscribe to my podcast and YouTube channel. Without further ado, here’s the rest of my character interview. Sit back, relax, and enjoy.
Ann: What is your ultimate goal?
Katrina: My goal is two-fold. First of all, I want to find out who brought me to this strange hospital, and why I’m here in the first place. Second of all, I want to uncover the secrets hidden here. Once I do that, then Mom and I can go home.
Ann: What about your father?
Katrina: I pray that I can somehow lead him to Christ, but I can’t say when that’ll happen. Remember when I told you that mom supports me?
Ann: Yeah, what about it?
Katrina: Truth is, she did, until we arrived at the hospital. Since then, she’s become more passive. I mean she’s hidden herself in some type of shell. But when I start trying to communicate with the people, I think I see, she acts as if that’s a trigger to her PTSD.
Ann: I thought you had PTSD, too?
Katrina: I do, but I’m using my inner vision as a strength, instead of a weakness. I have nightmares where I see my dad beating my mom, but here’s the weird part: He’s threatened to hit me, but he’s never actually laid a hand on me. His actions make me believe that he blames Mom for my accident.
Ann: Do you have a positive or negative body image?
Katrina: If you had asked me that five years ago, I probably would have told you that I have no body image at all, but now, I have a positive outlook on life. Let’s put it that way. Like anyone else, I have my own fears and emotions, but If I know something’s not right or someone does something that goes against my beliefs, I’ll fight tooth and nail to right that wrong or make the person beg for forgiveness.
Ann: Is your father one of those people?
Katrina: Absolutely. He’s abusing my mother for something that I had no control over, so somebody has to make him face the music. If I have to be the one to do it so be it.
Ann: Who or what would you die for?
Katrina: I’d lay down my life to give honor and glory to my Lord and savior Jesus Christ, and I’d die to protect my mother. Though she lashes out at me, I still love her. I realize that she’s not herself right now, but if she were stronger, she’d do the same for me, I just know it!
Ann: Do you have a plan for tomorrow? Next week? Next year?
Katrina: Listen, I take one day at a time until I can gather information. The only plans I have; are the ones I wake up with after my vivid dreams.
Ann: Are you resilient enough to change as your story progresses?
Katrina: I can’t stay the same. I mean my life is constantly changing. The first major change took place when I had my accident. Now, every day is a brand-new turning point on the path we call life. I need to change and grow in order to solve this mystery. I may be stuck in the hospital, but I’m not stuck in that one room. Write my story to find out how much I change and see the changes that take place in the characters around me.
Ann: One final question, and this might sound silly, but here goes. What would you think if you could see me now?
Katrina: God gave you the ability to create me as a character when he laid my story on your heart. I see you in the same way you see me in your head. When I stand beside you and tap my toe impatiently, that means that I’m impatient for you to share my hero’s journey. Thank you for that. I love having these chats, but I’ve got a mystery to solve. Follow me as I walk these narrow halls and wide-open spaces to hunt for the truth.
I’d like to thank Katrina Dobson for stopping by the blog to have an enlightening conversation with me. Stay tuned, for you’ll meet the entire cast of Inner Vision characters in the weeks ahead. Until next time, happy reading and God bless.
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