Character conversation with Becca Martin from A Journey of Faith and Kelly Dobson from Inner Vision

Hello everyone in the blogosphere, Today I have a special post that doesn’t contain a podcast episode. That’s right, I’m doing another one of my character conversation/interviews. This time I have a special treat for you!

Becca Martin from A Journey of Faith, which is in the editing phase now, is joined by none other than Kelly Dobson from my previously published book, entitled Inner Vision. I’ll start us off, but I’m going to let them do most of the talking, so sit back and enjoy the show.

Ann: Hello ladies, what’s on your mind tonight?

Becca, I have something I want to share with Kelly, and this is the only place I can do it, since we’re from two different books.

Kelly: What’s up, Becca? I thought you were seeking the truth about your own past. How did you find your way into mine?

Becca, I got a message from the Holy Spirit that you needed to talk to me.

Kelly: Well, I do need to talk to someone, because this mystery is driving me batty!

Becca: What’s wrong with it?

Kelly: No one will give me any answers.

“Becca: Answers about what?

Ann: Becca, do you need me to fill you in?

“Becca, No, I want her to tell me the story.

Kelly: (sighs and shrugs) Well, a supposed nurse told me that I was in some sort of bad operation and a doctor comes in to examine me, but nobody will answer my questions. Dad doesn’t believe I recognize this place as something other than a hospital.

Becca: That’s the outer turmoil, what about how you feel inside?

Kelly: I’m so confused. I mean I was walking down by the lake, and the next thing I knew, I woke up in a strange place. I don’t know what happened or how I even got here. What does that tell you?

“Becca: This isn’t about me, it’s about more than you realize.

Kelly: What do you mean?

Becca: Think about it, there’s a lot you have to learn about yourself, before you can find out why you’re in that makeshift hospital. I suggest that you look deep inside your soul and pray for wisdom from God. He’s the only one who knows why He put you there.

Kelly: But what about this strange situation?

Becca: You don’t want to have the physical answers handed to you now, because you won’t learn to trust your journey and your process. These things take time, sweetie. Believe me, I know all about trusting the process. When I started this journey, I wanted to turn tail and run, but I couldn’t, because God wouldn’t let me. Besides, If I had, I wouldn’t make the discoveries I made along the way.

“Kelly, let me get this straight, you’re saying there’s more to this than my waking up in a strange hospital?

Becca: Yep, but I can’t tell you what. You’ll have to find the truth on your own.

Kelly: So, I need to dig deeper than the here and now? But what about the dreams I’m having?

Becca: It’s all part of the process, baby. A lot of my dreams haunted me for years, but now, my dreams are God’s way of guiding me through my own journey. Listen, sweetie. You got to trust God, trust your process and trust yourself.

Kelly: What will I learn?

Becca: A lot about yourself and deeper truths than you will, simply by demanding answers. The journey is the most important part of your story. I mean, the ending payoff is what readers and you want to see, but that’s the icing on the cake, it’s not about what’s waiting at the journey’s end, it’s all about how you find the answers to your burning questions. I got to go; Jason wants me to ride up to Sweet Water Park with him. Remember, trust God, your process and your heart. Love the process. (blows Kelly a kiss, before running out the door).

“Kelly: Oh well, there are no easy answers, so I got to start digging my way through the rubble. (Quietly slips out the door).

That brings us to the end of another riveting character conversation. Authors, tell your characters to trust their process. Until next time, happy reading and writing.

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