Hello everyone,
Today I am writing to answer the Share Your World challenge questions, which have been posted on
May these answers being a blessing to all my readers, followers, and friends in the blogosphere, via social media, and those I meet as I traverse the journey of faith that God had trod before me.
Before I answer these questions, I have a couple of Bible verses I’d like to share with you. Each of these scriptures come from the King James Version of the Holy Bible.
For God so Loved the World that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life, John 3:16.
For we all know that all things work for good to them that Love God, and to them that are the called according to His purpose, Romans 8:28.
Now, without further ado, here are the questions posted in the SYW challenge, along with my own heartfelt answers.
- If you were given $22 million tax free, what is the first thing you would do? (This is just a dream question, remember anything can happen in SYW.)
If I had $22 Million that was tax free, there are several things I would do. First of all, I would give ten percent plus a little more to God, whether I give it to one church, or spread it among different ministries I strongly believed in, I can’t leave out the one and only heavenly Father who blessed me with each and every day I leave, and the breath that is within my body, so that I can live and serve him. I would pray for the strength and wisdom to find and purchase a home for my husband, myself, and my daughter to live in. I would not only have two bedrooms, but I would also have an office where I can write books and other pieces, inspired by God, and conduct the business for which He has called me to undertake. I would use part of the money to fight for physical custody of my daughter, so she can grow up in a Christian home. I would share some of the money with my family, and use some of it to open my writing business, purchase books and travel to different literary events and writer’s conferences, and so forth, to promote my work and win lost souls for Christ. Although many people would stop working, I wouldn’t, because I enjoy the work that I do. When the work that God blesses you with and calls you to do makes you happy, it’s no longer work, but a blessed gift from God.
- In what do you find the simplest of joys?
To answer this question, I find the simplest joy in spending time with my heavenly Father, my family, taking leisurely walks, either by myself or with my daughter when she’s with me and sitting down to write what’s on my heart, because I love to get creative and let the words which are inspired by God, flow from my heart, to my fingers, onto the computer screen. These words are ultimately seen by readers from different walks of life, either on the printed page, a screen of a mobile device or eBook reader, or on the internet inf the form of blog posts. I pray that my words are a blessing for at least one person who sees them is this world of turmoil and trouble. May my words bring you closer to Christ, dear reader and show you that there is hope for you, by God’s amazing grace.
- What would be your ideal birthday present, and why?
I have one wish that would be more than simply an ideal Birthday Present, but if it happened on my Birthday, then it would make the happiest mom in the whole wide world. My life long wish is for my daughter to accept Jesus Christ as her Lord and savior, and live her life for Him, no matter what she may face during the many roads of life she must travel down during her journey of faith. My reason for this wish, is because I want her to know the love and joy beyond anything she can imagine and the peace that passes all understanding that she will receive when she lets Jesus come into her heart. Like I said earlier in my answer, if this happened on my Birthday, or on Hers, for that matter, it would make me the happiest and the proudest mom in the whole wide world and beyond, because then and only then, will I know within my heart that this mom’s small prayer has been answered in a really big way! When this prayer is answered, it will be bigger than anyone who is a child of God, can ever imagine or fathom in their entire lives.
- What did you appreciate or what made you smile this past week?
This past week, I appreciated all the blessings that God has given me and my family, including the beautiful weather. I especially enjoyed the mother daughter friendship banquet at my church earlier this evening. I received a much-needed blessing, and the truth of the matter is, that I didn’t know that I needed this blessing. I learned that no matter what I suffered in my past, there’s always someone out there who has suffered even more. I connected with our guest speaker and shared my inspiration for A Journey of Faith. Lynn Garrison, if you are reading this, thank you for being a special blessing to me tonight, and I thank God for bringing you into my life. I feel like we made a very special connection tonight, and I want you to know that I will say a special prayer for you during my quiet time with the Lord, for when you gave us a special word from God tonight, heaven came down, and glory filled my soul. Praise be to God, and I love you my dear sister in Christ. Keep up the work that God has called you to do, and may he place a protective shield around you as you continue down the journey of Fait that He has chosen for you. God bless you my friend. Love and prayers to you and your family.
If any of my answers have blessed your heart, as I have been blessed and inspired by God to write them, please let me know in the comments below, or by simply liking and sharing this post with your friends, love ones, colleagues, and your readers and followers, whether on your blogs or social media. Love and prayers, and my God provide a special blessing in your life, dear readers.
Before you go, please show the author of the original post some love by following the link at the top of this post and answering her questions either on your own blogs or in the comments on her post. Thank you, Cee, for such a powerful list of questions today. These were very thought provoking, and I spend some time in prayer before I wrote and made my revisions on this post. God bless you too and keep sharing powerful questions each week, for everyone in the blogosphere to share and answer as our little hearts desire. I will say a special prayer for you, my friend, whether you are a believer or not. We all need prayer, and the non-believers and prayer as much, if not more so, than my fellow Christians.
Love and prayers to all, and to all a blessed night.
Ann, it was such a joy to meet you and get to talk with you! What a blessing you are! You certainly have a gift for writing. Thank you for your kind words in your blog post. I love serving the Lord and inspiring women in their walk with Him. Keep up the good work Sista!
Much love,