Special book feature: The Dark Web Murders by Brian O’Hare

Today I have a special book feature to share with you. My publisher has asked some of us authors to help promote each other’s books. Here’s my first Crimson Cloak Publishing book feature:
Enjoy the book and happy reading.

Book Title:
The Dark Web Murders

Author Name:
Brian O’Hare

I am Nemein I am not a murderer. I am emotionally detached from my killings. I am, therefore, an instrument of Nemesis, a punisher. This is a theme running through a number of blogs on the Dark Web, written by a serial killer. He is highly intelligent and employs philosophical argument to justify a series of gruesome murders. However, he describes the killings in lurid detail, and with such gloating relish, that he utterly negates his delusion of detachment and reveals himself to be a cold-blooded, narcissistic psychopath.

Sheehan and his team rush headlong down a series of blind alleys in the pursuit of the psychopath, who continues to murder his victims with impunity. He is fiendishly clever, utterly ruthless, and tests Sheehan’s famed intuition to the limit. Indeed, Sheehan only learns the truth during a horrific climax when some members of his team experience a most harrowing ‘laceration of the soul’ that they will never be able to forget. It is unlikely that the reader will either.

Purchase link:

Author bio:
Because of a debilitating illness, Dr.Brian O’Hare [B.A., ADCE(Hons.), M.A., Ph.D] took early retirement in 1998 from his post as Assistant Director of a large Regional College in Newry in Northern Ireland. It transpired that he had an irreversible liver disease (a childhood affliction) that required a liver transplant. Married with three children and ten grandchildren, he now enjoys full health, plays golf, and writes from time to time.

Brian O’Hare is the author of articles in several educational journals and a number of substantial reports published by the Dept. Education (NI) and the University of Ulster

Other books by Brian O’hare
Memoir/Biography: A Spiritual Odyssey [Published by Columba Press, Blackrock, Co. Dublin, 2005]

The Doom Murders
The 11:05 Murders
The Coven Murders
The Dark Web Murders

and the Short Stories:
Murder at Loftus House
Murder at the Roadside Cafe
Murder at the Care Home

Connect with Brian at the following links:

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