Welcome to week 1 of National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). In today’s podcast episode I share my writing/revising/rewriting progress and give you tips and encouragement to stay motivated during the rest of the month.
As for my word count so far, I’m at 4435 and I plan to get at least another thousand or so words in, before the day is over. Instead of adding the total number of words in my entire manuscript, I just count the words I’ve added, regardless of how many more I cut from the manuscript. I guess you could say that I’m a NaNoRebel, doing what some would call Cheeto-WriMo.
For the past two nights, I did some word sprints with a twitter friend and that’s how I got a lot of my words in. I find myself writing at night, for some reason during NaNoWriMo, but I won’t do that any other time of the year. However, I plan on getting some words in later this afternoon
If you’d like to join me in some word sprints during the month, there are two ways you can do this. You can email me at annwrites75@gmail.com, or tag me on Twitter @annwrites75. If We’re doing word sprints, don’t forget to mention @NaNoWordSprints as well. Be sure to use the hash tag #nanocafe if you’d like to invite others to join us as we sprint to the NaNoWriMo finish line. If you’d like to add me as a buddy, my NaNoWriMo username is AnnWritesInspiration.
If you want to leave messages with your NaNoWriMo buddies, you may do so by visiting:
Listen to my NaNoWriMo update, including tips and encouragement on my Inspirational Journeys podcast:
I’ve got to go, because I’ve got to get back to writing/editing/revising. You need to get some words in today, too, if you’re doing NaNoWriMo along with me. Happy writing and good luck with NaNoWriMo. Let’s end up with more words than we had when we started.