After you’ve read my previous posts, the Path of Silence, The Path of Memory, and The Path of Questioning, circle the path of prayer until you reach the center of the labyrinth. In your mind, as you sit in silence with God for a few moments, before you get back to your daily life, picture yourself kneeling at the foot of the cross. Prayer is more than just something we talk, read, preach, sing and think about. Prayer is a private, intimate, one on one conversation between you and God. When you walk the path of prayer, take the time to listen to what God is saying in response to your petitions, questions or requests.
As we circle to the center of the labyrinth, let’s ponder the following questions about prayer together.
Is prayer something I do, or is it something I live?
Is a quick one sentence prayer as powerful as a prayer that lasts for several moments or hours?
Do I pray without ceasing or do I only pray when I’m stressed? This is a question I need to ponder for myself.
It’s your turn.
If you’d like to share your answers to these questions, or if you can think of any questions related to prayer in your own life, please add them in the comments so we can ponder them together.