Inspirational Journeys Presents: A conversation about poetry with Garry Cox

I had a lovely conversation about poetry, which is one of my favorite forms of writing, with this week’s special guest. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the conversation.


Garry Cox!


I’m proud to announce the following guest for your listening pleasure.

Please be sure to read onward after the following message to learn how you can be my guest here on INSPIRATIONAL JOURNEYS.

Thanks for listening and do write to let me and my guest know what you thought of this presentation.


Garry Cox


Tuesday, December 28, 2021


YouTube video

Podcast episode

MORE ABOUT GUEST AUTHOR Garry Cox in his own words…

As an educator, poet and runner I am a lifer. I have the blessed opportunity to create new works and compete in my sport (Track & Field) in my upcoming 80th trip around our Sun.

I believe writing is precursor to thought, not the other way around. Poetry is an invitation to advance our thinking and deepen our feelings about the world we live in. It is a sharing of truths, your truth, my truth, the truth of our human experience. A good poem will celebrate these truths with a style and grace that exists in every tongue spoken on our planet.

To see more of my work including popular blog series What I Did on My Covid-19 Vacation, New Poets Wednesday and the Bernice and Garry series go to my website

Also see my fb page Garry Cox, Poet

Garry’s poetry books include: The Waters of Appanoose County Copyright 2016

Beyond The Waters Copyright 2019

Coffee with the Bard Copyright 2021

Description for Coffee with the Bard:

Coffee with the Bard was meant to be a poetic potboiler, featuring a combination of my most liked poems alongside my feelings and reactions to the events associated with the Covid-19 Pandemic

Purchase link:

AmazonSmile: Coffee with the Bard: 2020 Blues eBook : Cox, Garry : Books


I Had a Life (most popular poem)

I had a life, I had a wife, we had each other almost to forever

I think she left me, but I’m not sure now

I may have left her, but I’m not sure how

I do know this much, there was always such love

that in my mind I cannot find a single saying of goodbye

 Connect with Garry at the following links:

Blog (


As authors, creative artists and entrepreneurs, we often find it hard to stand out above the constant chatter on the internet. If that sounds like you, I’d like to help you boost the visibility of your brand. My name is Ann Harrison-Barnes and I run a podcast called Inspirational Journeys. On my podcast I post solo episodes of value to my listeners, led by the Holy Spirit. I also talk to authors, creative artists and entrepreneurs who want to share their inspirational journeys with the world. If you’re interested in being a guest on my show, please send an email to with Inspirational Journeys in the subject line of your email, so I can send you my featured book questionnaire.

 Thanks for listening to Inspirational Journeys and have a Blessed Day.

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