Musings from a writer’s mind

Have you ever had one of those days when you know you ought to be writing, but you just can’t think of what to write? How about not feeling like editing your novel, or some other book project?
Well folks, I am having one of those days, when it seems as if the muse has left me. I mean, I can’t even get inspiration from my wind chimes on the front porch.
But wait a minute, you might be thinking, why am I writing something negative on a blog that seems to be positive in nature? Oh, rest assured, this post isn’t negative at all, it just seems that way at first. I’m going to get my daughter tomorrow and I won’t have a chance to post much for the next three weeks or so, so I thought I’d write something here.
Now let’s see, what can I tell you about. Hmm, instead of me telling you an interesting story, why don’t I give my readers a chance to tell your stories. If you have a story to tell, or you just want to say hello, please don’t hesitate to do so in the comments below. However, If you want to post your story as a guest on my blog, please send your post along with a short bio about yourself to I’d love to hear your writers slump musings.
Until next time, I hope to hear from you dear readers, because I feel like I’m blogging to myself in these posts. Happy writing and reading, and don’t be a stranger. Like author Ann Harrison on facebook and follow @annwrites75 on twitter.
BTW, don’t forget to join the Cherished blog fest on July 25th and 26th. I’ll be there with bells on! Hope to see you there.

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