My experience with Publishing Under the Electric Eclectic Books Brand

Hello everyone,

Today I want to talk with you about my experience publishing a book under the Electric Eclectic Books, brand. First of all, Electric Eclectic Books, is not a publishing company, the organization helps authors who write short stories or novelettes between 6000 and 20k words, market their small eBooks to a specific audience.

Personally, this is the first time I published a children’t chapter, under any brand, whether it be my own business or the Electric Eclectic brand. Although Maggie’s Gravy Train Adventure is my book and I have all rights to it, I can still publish under my business name. Electirc Eclectic helps me market my book with their logo and information on the cover, which drives more traffic to my book, thus producing more sales. I received assistance during the formatting process, and some editing recommendations from other Electric Eclectic authors.

I’d like to personally like to thank Paul White, Markey Jordan Madden, and Karen J. Mossman for answering any questions I had from the start, formatting my script into the standard EE publication template, and helping me get my book cover up to standard. Publishing with Amazon’s Kindel Direct Publishing, was easy and accessible for a blind person to use. I was able to create my title page, according to the specific guidelines designed by Paul, and setting the prices for my book in each territory was simple, once I figured out which link to go to to make the necessary adjustments. Even though I had to make some corrections, they were easy to do and now I must say that I am a proud author of an Electric Eclectic book.

Personally, I would recommend that any first time author, who has a short story or novelette to publish, become an electric Eclectic author, because publishing under this brand gets your foot in the door, before you publish a full length paperback, eBook, or autio book. Readers can get a taste of your writing style, which will leave them wanting more. You can even add links to any other books you’ve published in the “about the author” section of your manuscript, so that readers can find your work if they are interested. Rest assured, I will be publishing future books under the Electric Eclectic brand in the near future.

Let me tell you a ittle about my Electric Eclectic book. The title of this new book is Maggie’s Gravy Train Adventure. I got the inspiration from something I saw on twitter about a gravy train. After reading that particular tweet that whizzed right by me, an image of a little girl riding a gravy train, formed in my head.

About the book

Maggie and her mother take a special adventure on a gravy rain. The seats, walls, andother objects inside the train are made of real wood and other materials, but the outer walls and the roof of the train are made of hard baked bread dough, which is held together by thick gravy. The wheels are made of biscuits, and the track was originally made of hard baked gingerbread.

Once the biscuit wheels are destroyed during the first leg of the journey, they have to be replaced with special wheels, that though baked, won’t crumble when the rain comes to a rough spot in the track. However, the cookie track is destroyed by a massive hail stormmm, in the village of Ferry Land. Everyone has to get off the train at the Ferry Land station, so the train itself and the track can be repaired. Can Mggie and her friend Mandy solve these special mysteries on their trip? Find out as the story undolds before your very eyes.

One final mystery they have to solve, is the one about the trouble in the land of Eat-a-Lot. Who’s behind this mayhem, and how do they get caught. Take the gravy train ride with Maggie and her special friends, and help them solve these very peculiar mysteries.

Now for my contest question:

What is the name of the Electric Eclectic book that is centered around food?

To enter your answer to this question, and enter into an Electric Eclectic drawing, please visit:


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