Leadership, Inspiration, and Motivation with Jeff Tomaszewski
I’m proud to announce the following guest for your listening pleasure.
Please be sure to read onward after the following message to learn how you can be my guest here on INSPIRATIONAL JOURNEYS.
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Tuesday, November 22, 2022
MORE ABOUT GUEST ENTREPRENEUR Jeff Tomaszewski (in his own words)…
Our training methodology has been featured on CNN, ESPN Radio, NPR, and Vogue, to name a few.
I’m an exercise specialist, or a life changer, to some. My mission is to help as many people as possible to live a high-quality life into their golden years.I’ve spent the last 17 years asking the question: “What’s the least amount of time I can spend exercising and still achieve amazing results?†As a certified athletic trainer and strength and conditioning specialist, I’ve been testing and refining the most efficient, effective, and safe way to exercise that yields me and my clients the biggest ROI on our time with regard to our health and fitness. I have discovered that it is the quality, more importantly, the intensity of the time spent exercising rather than the quantity of the time that truly produces results – the end result was the creation of a very special program that has helped hundreds of greater Cleveland high achievers transform their lives with.
Connect with Jeff at the following links:
As authors, creative artists and entrepreneurs, we often find it hard to stand out above the constant chatter on the internet. If that sounds like you, I’d like to help you boost the visibility of your brand. My name is Ann Harrison-Barnes and I run a podcast called Inspirational Journeys. On my podcast I post solo episodes of value to my listeners, led by the Holy Spirit. I also talk to authors, creative artists and entrepreneurs who want to share their inspirational journeys with the world. If you’re interested in being a guest on my show, please send an email to with Inspirational Journeys in the subject line of your email, so I can send you my featured book questionnaire.
Thanks for listening to Inspirational Journeys and have a Blessed Day.
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Very touching and inspiring post.