Here’s a poem for your enjoyment on this fridgid day.
Let Your Light Shine: The Beauty of Character Flaws
Here’s a beautiful blog post about why we share our stories and how our words can effect the people around us.
The Comma Coma – a deadly disease
I sometimes overuse the comma as I’m writing; however, I’ll go back and edit my work. If my sentences sound too choppy, I’ll cut the commas out.
How Not To Do Book Promotion.
This holds true for all authors, no matter in what genre you write. Please take this tip to heart and promote your books well.
The Riddle of Twelfth Night
Here’s a fun story for your enjoyment and a challenge for everybody.
via The Riddle of Twelfth Night
Can you solve this riddle? If you want to give it a try, come back here, after reading the story and share your answer in the comments below.
Interview your character
Here is some really good information to help you enhance your stories.
Stay tuned, for I have a new character interview coming up.
Why Some of Your Readers Will Never Comment on Your Blog Posts
Hi Meg, I’ve even asked questions on some of my posts and got no comments, however, I have gotten tuns of likes. Although I get more comments onposts that I shared. For example, the post you published yesterday, I got a comment from someone saying that he has a passion for writing and the person … Read more
Getting to Know You Sunday Interview 2018
Here’s a promotional opportunity, where you can tell others a little about yourself and showcase your writing, instead of focusing on your books alone.
Rejections – how not to punch someone!
Here’s some advice to think about when you get another rejection from a publisher, editor or agent.
Reader Response
I love the reader response I get, because it gives me insights on my book and helps me shape my work in progress.
via Reader Response
12 Signs It’s Time to Say Goodbye to Your Writing Project
Does this apply to a project that I’ve written, yet I dread the thought of editing it?
I Write Because I Have to, Not Because I Want to
The only time I’m not writing or letting a story take shape in my head is when I’m sick. Other than that, I’m always writing, even when I’m doing other things.
In This Post, I Will Attempt to Explain Why Writers’ Brains Are So Weird.
You are so right! Our brains are weird, yet our stories can be even weirder. LOL!
notes on being a guest on a podcast
If you’re planning to appear on a podcast in the near future, here are a fet tips you’ll want to keep in mind. These tips can be found at the following website. How To Be A Great Podcast Guest
Interview with Trish Hubschman
Here’s a wonderful author interview for your enjoyment.