Fascinating discovery about the vibrations of sound from my reading

Hello everybody, I came across a very fascinating discovery that led me to do a bit of digging for more information in the wee hours of the morning. I was reading a novel called House Rules by Jodi Picoult, about a high school kid who has Asperger’s syndrome, a developmental disorder on the high-functioning end … Read more

Newsflash! Stories outside the box is half off for a limited time!

I have a huge announcement to make! All of my readers who wish to get Stories Outside the Box for yourself or a loved one, it’s on sale throughout the month of July on smashwords at http://bit.ly/25e3AdT Use coupon code SSW50 at checkout to get your discount. Thanks for being loyal fans, friends, and supporters … Read more

Success story and my crowdfunding campaign

Dear readers, viewers, and fans,
I have a small favor to ask, but before I get to that, let me share the story of my success as a writer.

I was inspired to write back in late 2004 early 2005, by the introduction to a book I was reading called New Stories from the South 2001, edited by Lee Smith. In the introduction,Ms. Smith was talking about a student she had, that didn’t think she was a writer. When Ms. Smith asked her to tell her about a favorite memory, the student said something about walking in a mall in North Carolina, The phrase “Listlessly walking in a mall…”, caught my attention, and right then and there I decided to begin writing a story of my own. The “story” turned into a novel, which didn’t do as well as expected, but that book taught me a lesson I will never forget. I learned not to publish a novel without first having fellow writers critique it, and I also discovered that it’s best to get a professional editor to help you fine tune your work. Since that first book was published, I have learned a lot about the writing process from the Behind Our Eyes organization for writers with disabilities (www.behindoureyes.org and www.magnetsandlatters.org), and through my course of study in the field of communications at Kaplan University.
My love of music and my writing brought me through a trying personal situation in my life, and music is often times the inspiration for my creative writing. During the healing process, I often had dreams of climbing. These climbing dreams were quite challenging, and I couldn’t turn back once I started the difficult climb, to take the easy way out. I had to move forward and upward, then take another rout to either go back to square one, or come full circle to the place I needed to go. I strongly believe that these dreams were God’s way of showing me that no matter what I faced in the past, by His amazing grace, I was able to climb out of the pit of despair, and into the light of His love. Romans 8:28 says “For we know that all things work for good to them that love God; to them that are the called according to His purpose.”, and I live by this verse every day.
As a result of these dreams, I have been fascinated with mountain climbing in recent years. A few years ago, I read a book called Savage Summit, depicting the lives of women who either climbed Mount K2 and died on the mountain, or survived K2 and perished in other such climbing expeditions. The stories of these women and their climbing teams were written in such a way, that I was able to picture myself on these nearly impossible climbs. The materials I read about mountain climbing were the inspiration for my story called the Big Climb, which has been published in an anthology called Awethology Light by the Awethors. This anthology as well as Awethology Dark and the December Awethology Light and Dark volumes are available as free downloads from Smashwords, Amazon and other ebook retailors.retailers.
In 2014, I wrote a very rough first draft of a novel called The Apple Wheel, and won the National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) challenge. I participated in NaNoWriMo 2015 and came close to finishing a novel called Epiphany High, which is a high school mystery with a message of forgiveness. Although I was 500 words short of reaching 50000 words in 30 days,winning the challenge wasn’t my main objective, my objective was to write a novel in 30 days, and to have fun while doing it.
Many of my short stories are inspired by dreams, writing prompts, everyday life, and my biggest inspiration is music. These sources of inspiration, sparked the creative ideas for the stories in my latest ebook called Stories Outside the Box, which is available through Smashwords http://bit.ly/25e3AdT, and Amazon http://amzn.to/1ZWxjkX. I have also published a short story entitled A Whirlwind of Memories, in an anthology called Gems of Strength, which is also available through all major ebook Retailers. However, if you’d like to purchase a paperback copy of Gems of Strength, please contact me through my social media outlets, or by email At annwrites75@gmail.com.
I continue to write fiction inspired by many aspects of life, such as a fountain that I’ve walked past in Orientation in Mobility lessons, or my singing bowl.. During the first year after my emotionally trying situation, I found music to be a very powerful source of healing, along with a few spiritual blessings from God. During the past few years, I have learned not only to listen to music as a source of entertainment, but to tap into it’s deeper vibrations and meaning. Delving deep into the heart of a piece of music, has sparked my fascination with the healing power of God’s gift of sound. As I have started doing research and making discoveries about the music of my environment, and the powerful vibrations of sound, I started writing a book called Embracing the Healing Power of Music: Seven Steps for finding your way out of the darkness, and into the light through God’s gift of Sound. This project is one of many that are on my radar to be published in the near future. My target audience for this book consist of people who have suffered some type of traumatic experience in their lives, or those who suffer from some sort of depression and fee that there’s no way out of the pit of despair. People who have recently read my stories can tell you that my writing has a message of hope, love, faith, and forgiveness. Although going into business for myself as an author is my main objective, it’s not the only reason I want to become a professional author. I feel that God has called me to reach out to these people through my writing, and if my stories or my self-help book can change the life of just one person who is carrying a heavy burden, and feels like he or she is bearing it alone, that is an even greater reward. My fascination with the healing power of sound, and music has led me to find recordings of Tibetan Singing Bowls. I purchased a bowl of my own back in April, and it took me a couple of months to learn how it likes to be played, with the help of a video or two, and allowing the bowl to be my teacher.. When I play my bowl, it helps me connect with my creative self, although this is a spiritual connection that God has blessed me with, the vibration of the bowl’s dominant voice, and the chattering overtone opens up my throat chakra, so that I may hear the music within me. This in turn sparks my creativity, and allows me to write from my heart. The singing bowls play a part in a story I’ve recently started writing. That says a lot for the connection between me and my bowl. It may be small, but a powerful source of inspiration in its own right, nonetheless.
Not only do I write fiction and a bit of nonfiction, , but my experience as a freelance writer, and my work with Project Starfish America (www.pstarfish.org) has enhanced my professional writing skills as well. If you would like to read a hodgepodge of essays and poems that I have written over the past five years, please take a peak at my blog by visiting www.wwannwrites.wordpress.com. Please connect with me on Facebook, by liking my page called author Ann Harrison, and on twitter @annwrites75. If there is one thing that I want people to take away from reading my story, it is the message of hope, faith, love, forgiveness, God’s amazing grace, and the gift of Salvation. No matter what mistakes you’ve made or what trying experiences you’ve been through in your past God still loves, and longs to bring you back into His divine, forever family. You are precious and you are well loved! Always remember my dear readers, you are important to Our Heavenly Father, and our Lord and savior Jesus Christ first of all, and to me, as friends, friends, and my most devoted supporters. I thank each and every one of you, for your prayers, and your support. I pray that each and every one who reads my story will be richly blessed by my journey, and the the wisdom I have shared with you.
I do have one small favor to ask each of you, now that you have read my story of success, please help me continue my success story by supporting my crowd funding campaign. If you can contribute at least $5, I will give you a free copy of Stories Outside the box. If you can contribute $25 or more, I will write an article for your website/publication, or conduct a q&a session on creative writing, in either written form for my blog, or in a brief skype call, or I can promote your book/site/event on my blog and my social media channels. Please contribute to my crowd funding campaign at http://www.mydreambookteam.com/project/10.

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An announcement and calls to action

Hello my dear readers, There are three things I want to accomplish in my short little post tonight. First of all, I have an announcement to make. I have published a little eBook entitled Stories Outside the box. It’s available to purchase for 99 cents at http://bit.ly/25e3AdT Stories Outside the Box is a little book … Read more

The song fills my head as I play, The bowl sings to me of things to come.What does the song inside you say?Is this song to be shared with anyone,or just to keep to yourself and your close circle of friends.The questions never end.But the answers come slowly,like a story unfolding.As the words take shape in my mind, it’s like an image I’m holding; on the screen of my memory,where dreams are often clear to me.What is this song my heart must sing?Does the melody ring within my soul,or do I give voiceto the song that is expressed,without a choice, rhyme or reason,it’s not a song that connects with any season,just with the way I feel.I know this song is real,although some may not believeit’s there.Just close your eyes and you too shall receivethe healing vibrations of my song,as it goes on and on.Inside my head, and flows out through my vocal cords to your ears.I sing it so that you may hear,the voice of an angel that speaks to me of piece,and fills my soul with sweet release,it fills my soul with sweet release

The song fills my head as I play, The bowl sings to me of things to come. What does the song inside you say? Is this song to be shared with anyone, or just to keep to yourself and your close circle of friends. The questions never end. But the answers come slowly, like a story … Read more

Since the 60Minute2Impact call I discussed in my last blog post, I have found some recordings and YouTube videos of singing bowls. I’ve even done a couple of musical experiments on the stainless steel mixing bowls in my kitchen, but nothing is quite like having and owning my own Tibetan singing bowl. Today, I’d like to share my journey with my little four inch Tibetan singing bowl. Unfortunately, I can’t upload a recording onto my blog, but I will share with you a YouTube video that I found to be of great help to me, then I’d like to encourage you to get your own bowl and experience the spiritual connection with it’s symphony of vibration.First, let me explain what the experts say about how to choose your own bowl, then I’ll tell you my journey to date. The video found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QeUxAl-USck explains the best method for choosing a singing bowl. According to the guy doing the video, he says that you should always go for the sound and whether or not it sooths your body. Whether or not you can only focus on the sound and nothing else, should determine whether or not you like the bowl. Sometimes, you may even want someone else to play a bowl for you, so you can close your eyes and get the full effect. Although this is true, in the area where I live, we don’t have a novelty shop, where the Tibetan bowls are sold, so it was difficult for me to go and choose the bowl at a store. I ordered my small bowl from Amazon, and I was expecting it to sound like one of the ones in a video I downloaded called, Tibetan singing bowl meditation. I was certainly surprised by the fact that my bowl has a high A note, but I didn’t let that deter me from being able to use it for meditation, and possibly healing. As I played, I felt a strong communication with the bowl that I can’t explain, and some of you may not fully understand, unless you’re a spiritual person like I am. I played my bowl and began to pray and hum along with it. I’m not sure whether I was playing it exactly as the professionals say I should play it, but I let the bowl guide me. A friend suggested that I fill the bowl about half way with water, as this would give it the strongest vibration, even though it is small. I tested her theory, and low and behold, it works! When I fill the bowl part way with water, the vibration is strongest and I can feel it’s pulse.Although the man who shows you how to choose a singing bowl says that the higher pitched bowls are for cleansing purposes, it all depends on how you play and what energy you get from it. Although my bowl is small, I know that as I play it, it communicates to me in a very spiritual way, and the wooden striker is the medium between my hand and the bowl. If you place the bowl on a table, you may get a much different result than simply holding it in your hand. Don’t let me or anyone else tell you how to play your 
Tibetan bowl, you and the bowl have to make the connection on your own, if you want to find a relaxing way to start and end your day. The best advice I can give you is to let your bowl be your guide, because the spirit that flows from the bowl is the spirit that is within you, and your striker is the means of communication between you and the singing bowl. Enjoy your bowl, and be observant of how it effects those around you as well. Do your friends and loved ones find healing from the bowl, or do people find the bowls a bit irritating? If this is the case, it’s possibly because they don’t understand what the bowl is used for. This past Sunday, I was playing my bowl, and my oldest niece came into my room. I began playing it for her. When I asked her if she liked the sound of the bowl. She answered in the affirmative, in a relaxed tone of voice. I often wonder if my 6-year-old daughter will be as receptive to the bowl as my 8-year-old niece was that day. Have any of you had an experience with the Tibetan bowls? If so, please share your experiences in the comments.

Finding your true happiness

Hello everyone, Last night, I participated in the most fascinating and inspiring 60 minutes2impact conference call, presented by Project Starfish America. During this call, Anuradha Kamath spoke about her own journey to happiness, and how she got to where she is today. One vital take away for me from this presentation, is that true happiness … Read more

Pleas help a blind entrepreneur expand her Braille jewelry business

I’m working on behalf of Laura Legendary, a small business owner who has launched a crowd funding campaign. She has designed a line of jewelry and accessories embossed in Braille, and I thought you might like to check it out. Her campaign page link is: https://igg.me/at/ElegantInsights. As a personal note, I have contributed to this … Read more

Results of my research query on mystery, suspense, thriller fiction.

Hello my dear readers,
Remember the question I asked about the difference between mysteries, suspense and thrillers? Well, I made a fascinating discovery. Although these three genres are very similar, here are the differences I found. Mistry stories are more of an investigation, asking what, when, where, how, and why a crime took place, and finding clues to solve the mystery. Suspense novels are similar, but they have more of an element of danger with in the pages of the novel. Thrillers, have an element of danger at every turn. They’re like riding a roller coaster throughout the pages of the novel. What do you think about these three genres? Do you find them similar, or do you see the differences? Leave your thoughts in the comments below. To read my article on the subject, please visit the word matters blog at www.ernestdempsey.com

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Please answer a research question for an article I am writing

Hello there dear readers, I am writing an article for the word matters blog at http://ernestdempsey.com and I am here to request your help in my research. Since most of you either read or write in some capacity or other, here’s my question: What is the difference between detective/mystery fiction, versus suspense novels/thrillers? I know … Read more

Fun and Interesting Dream Reflections

This post is in response to a post I read at http://dream4fun.com/2016/03/14/dream-insights-2/ which talks about how many people’s brains go on autopilot during their day to day work routines. However, night time is the time when dreams break the barriers in the brain, which allows new possibilities to arise, thus allowing creative ideas to flow … Read more

My take on what the Feds want Apple to do

If you’ve read the customer letter that Tim Cook posted on Apple.com, you will know that the federal government wants Apple to either make a piece of software that allows them to gain access to a locked IPhone “only once”. However, if Apple breaches security on one IPhone, then the federal government can unlock any IOS device and have access to our private information. The good news is that Apple is legally fighting the government against this order.
I heard an interview on CBS This Morning, about this very government order. The anchors wanted to argue that breaching security for one IPhone would protect US citizens from terrorist attacks. I didn’t catch the name of the expert they were interviewing, but he had a valid point. He stated that if Apple makes a defective IPhone to allow the government to breach the security of this “one IPhone” who’s to say that they won’t breach the security of other iPhones time and again. What the government wants Apple to do is to compromise our constitutional right to privacy. If they do that, then the terrorists would have won, because they are then able to take away all our rights. If that happens, America won’t be the land of the free anymore.
I agree with this statement about our constitutional rights being compromised, because if the government is allowed to hack into an apple device, who’s to say that these hackers that have created viruses on Windows, won’t be able to do the same with Apple products. The fact that hackers can’t breech apple’s security, is the main reason that I like the IPhone over Android in the first place. Furthermore, Google is one of many software companies that support Apple’s decision to fight this battle with the Feds in court. If Apple’s security is compromised, I won’t buy any mor of heir products, because this action that the government demands will make me, along with ten million other customers, not trust Apple any more. I don’t mean to be negative here, but I think Apple should continue to deny the FBI access to this phone, in order to maintain the high level of security that we, their customers, have come to rely on for the past several years.
What do you think, do you think that Apple should breech the security and allow the Feds access to that one iPhone, or do you think that they should fight the federal order in court? Please leave your thoughts in the comments below

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This morning, I was reading a book titled, All The Bright Places, when the descriptions brought beautiful images to my mind. I thought about putting these musings in my journal, but they were so peaceful, I thought I would share with all my friends in the blogosphere. In my mind, I am either sitting in … Read more

I have some exciting news!

Hello everyone, I have been accepted into the customer service training program at the Statler Center in Buffalo NY. As you well know, when you’re first starting out as a writer, you don’t make a lot of money. In fact, you have to have money to even get published, because you have to pay for … Read more

Accessibility for the whitehouse website is not good for all screenreaders

I was reading Donna W. Hill’s blog called The Heart of Applebutter Hil, and I saw a petition to require all companies to make their websites accessible for people with disabilities. The petition can be found at http://1.usa.gov/1Nq6vB7 . Here is my gripe about this site. When I tried to sigh the petition after entering … Read more