Writers who have Influenced Me

Hello everyone, Today I’d like to talk to you about the writers who have influenced my writing career thus far. However, I couldn’t pick just one author or writer in particular; therefore, I will list three writers and how they have become such an inspiration to me   The first is Lee Smith, who not … Read more

How to Let Go of the Pressure

My pressure came from people telling me I needed to do something else instead of writing, because my writing wasn’t marketable. Did I listen, no. I am writing, blogging and now promoting my work with help. You go girl! Keep doing what your doing, because it’s what works for you, not someone else.

2019: A New Chapter

My 2018 had some ups and downs, I had a change in my personal life, I published two books and republished one and updated another. I’ve had a crazy busy year. However, 2019 is better, because it’s a new year and leads to new beginnings. I am working on two different projects which I hope … Read more

AUTHORS, THEY’RE ONLY HUMAN: Rejection For Authors by Anne Copeland

If your book gets rejected by agents and publishers or it can’t be published by KDP print, take this woman’s advice and take note of the reasons why your book has been rejected. You may find that the rejections have nothing to do with you.

via AUTHORS, THEY’RE ONLY HUMAN: Rejection For Authors by Anne Copeland

The Power of Words

I find that words have power as well. I’ve loved creative writing, since I was a fourth grader.  When I was in either  the fifth or sixth grade, I won second place in a creative writing contest. I’ve dabbled in creative writing in high school, but the thing that made me want to be a writer was the introduction to New Stories of the South 2001, edited by Lee Smith. I won’t go into the details here, but I encourage you to read the book to see how she can inspire people to write their own stories.

Thanks, Kaz for such an inspiring post.


via The Power of Words

WordPress V Facebook

Personally I like WordPress better than facebook, because when you upgrade to the premium plan with WordPress, you can have a domain that is yours, which you can’t do with Facebook. I also like that my posts can be seen and shared for a long time on wordpress and I can choose which posts to pin to the front page, whereas they get shuffled to the bottom of the moshpit on facebook. Please read the original post to continue the conversation with the author.


via WordPress V Facebook


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