When I am not writing…

via When I am not writing…

My answer to this question is simple, yet complex. I love to read, listen to podcasts about writing, listen to music, crochet and do other things in my spare time. The first and most important is spending time in prayer and worshiping the Lord and spending time with my precious daughter when she’s with me, and my nieces and nephews. Often times, I will go sit out on my parents’ front porch swing to contemplate my thoughts for the day. I have hada crazy last few weeks, and I have to spend time regrouping from that, so journaling is very helpful and healing for me. These are the things I do now, when I’m not writing, revising, or marketing my books.

After reading the linked post, please come back here and tell me what you do when you’re not writing or creating your own art.

A NaNoWriMo peptalk that stands out in my mind

Hello everyone, I have been listening to the Author Stories podcast with Hank Garner www.hankgarner.com for a couple of months now. I found this podcast by reading through the recommendations that the Podcasts app on my iPad gives me when I search for writing related podcasts. The last few episodes have given me a great … Read more

Writing Tip: To Plot or Not to Plot

via Writing Tip: To Plot or Not to Plot

Personally, I would use that template, or make notes to plan out specific scenes in my novels; however, in the plotting process, I actually end up pantsing a huge chunck of the story, because the characters end up driving the story in a completely different direction.

Are you a plotter or a pantser? If you are a plotter, or if you both plot and pants your novel, what are your general plotting methods?