My purpose for Journaling and a piece of journaling advice

For me, journaling serves two purposes. First of all, I started keeping a journal as a way to get my deepest emotions out onto the page. This journal, along with music has helped me to overcome the pain of emotional and verbal abuse. The second reason I journal is for brainstorming and dumping scenes when … Read more

Friday Book Share: Invasion Series

I haven’t read this series, but these authors along with their friend and colleague David Write, host a fabulous podcast called “storyStudio.” I recommend this podcast for writers and anyone who is interested in storytelling as a whole. They have good information, yet they are hilarious. I listen to them every Wednesday night, and have done so since this podcast started. Check it out on Apple Podcasts or whatever pod catcher you use.

via Friday Book Share: Invasion Series

Smorgasbord Blog Magazine – Weekly Round Up – Who is referring others to your blog? Guests, music and laughter

I loved what this author has to say about who is referring people to your blog. My audience has grown more in the past week than on average over the past 8+ years I’ve been blogging. If you have a chance to stop by my blog or any other blogger’s site, for which I share posts from time to time, please leave a comment and let us know how much you appreciate our work or simply answer the questions we pose at the end of our posts. We’d love to hear from you and engage with our readers.

Have a blessed Sunday afternoon.

via Smorgasbord Blog Magazine – Weekly Round Up – Who is referring others to your blog? Guests, music and laughter